期刊名称:Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
出版社:De Nationale Geologiske Undersoegelser for Danmark og Groenland
摘要:A complete log-stratigraphical breakdown of the MiddleOrdovician to lower Silurian shale-dominated succession is presented for the Bornholm–Skåne–Kattegat areain southernmost Scandinavia. A wireline log zonationdeveloped for the onshore Bornholm Palaeozoic shales isextended to include the offshore Palaeozoic shales in theadjacent Rønne Graben. A complete log zonation schemefor the Cyrtograptus shale (late Llandovery–Wenlock) andthe lower part of the Colonus shale (Ludlow) is presentedincluding correlation within the Bornholm–Skåne–Kattegat area. The Cyrtograptus shale in the Bornholm areais estimated to be 400 m thick and marks the shift to arapidly subsiding foreland basin, heralding the CaledonianOrogeny.