期刊名称:Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
出版社:De Nationale Geologiske Undersoegelser for Danmark og Groenland
摘要:Te glaciology group at the Geological Survey of Denmarkand Greenland (GEUS) has a tradition of applied glaciologyconsulting for hydropower projects in Greenland (Weidick& Tomsen 1982; Braithwaite & Olesen 1988; Ahlstrømet al. 2008). Tis includes assessments for the hydropowerplants now operating at Ilulissat and Nuuk (Braithwaite &Tomsen 1989; Tomsen et al. 1989; 1993), as well as theoutburst potential of ice-dammed lakes such as Qorlortorsuup Tasia (Mayer & Schuler 2005). Several factors, includinglong term increases in global resource demand, increasing airtemperatures and glacier retreat due to climate change, andimproved mining and prospecting techniques may now improve the economic feasibility of mining in Greenland (Colgan & Arenson 2013). Given that over 80% of Greenlandis ice-covered, mining projects in Greenland ofen occur in‘proglacial’ settings, meaning adjacent to, or close to, an icemargin. Te Isukasia, Kvanef eld, Maarmorilik and Malmbjerg prospects exemplify resource development in proglacialsettings in Greenland.