期刊名称:Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
出版社:De Nationale Geologiske Undersoegelser for Danmark og Groenland
摘要:The mineral rutile (TiO2) is a major ore of titanium, which isused in products such as white pigment and titanium metal.The global consumption of titanium minerals in 2011 wasc. 6.7 million tonnes of which 0.7 million tonnes were rutileand 6 million tonnes ilmenite (TiFeO3). Rutile is almostpure TiO2 and therefore more valuable than ilmenite (c.1500 $/t and 300$/t, respectively). Compared with ilmenite,rutile can be processed with lower consumption of chemicalsand yields less waste products. Rutile was mined in Cameroonbetween 1935 and 1955 when a total of 15 000 tonnesof rutile were extracted from alluvial deposits. The FrenchBureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières conducted adrilling programme in Cameroon in the 1980s which identifiedc. 2.6 million tonnes of rutile in discontinuous occurrenceswith concentrations of c. 1%. Most of the occurrencesare located in small- to medium-sized riverbeds with a thicknessof 1.5–4.5 m. The main alluvial rutile area is locatedaround the town of Akonolinga, 80 km east of Yaoundé, thecapital of Cameroon (Fig. 1). The rutile in the alluvial depositswas derived from the bedrock by weathering, and atsome sites major, residual rutile deposits are reported fromQuaternary lateritic deposits.