期刊名称:Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
出版社:De Nationale Geologiske Undersoegelser for Danmark og Groenland
摘要:The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)records seismological data at six locations in Denmark (Fig. 1)and all data from these stations are manually reviewed forevents like earthquakes and explosions. The identified eventsare analysed and located, in many cases using supportingdata from stations outside Denmark. Seismic events havebeen recorded instrumentally in Denmark since 1929, butearthquakes felt in Denmark have been reported as far backas 1515 (Lehmann 1956; Gregersen et al. 1998; GEUS 2012).This article reports on the developments in detection level ofboth man-made events and natural earthquakes within theDanish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) from 2000 to 2012.Changes in detection level are mainly due to the availabilityof data from new seismic stations in Sweden and Norway aswell as from a GEUS test station at Gøttrup in NW Jylland.As a case study, the list of events on and around Bornholmis reviewed. Also described here are the reported intensitiesat two recent felt events in Denmark (North Sea magnitude4.3 on 19 February 2010 and Kattegat magnitude 4.1 on 6August 2012).