期刊名称:Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
出版社:De Nationale Geologiske Undersoegelser for Danmark og Groenland
摘要:Assessment of earthquake hazard is improved if geologicaland geodetic data are included in addition to seismological data. In earthquake regions like Japan and California,palaeoseismology combines data from geology and seismology, and networks of permanent GPS (global positioningsystem) stations situated on bedrock supplement the networks of seismographs. A combination of seismographs andGPS stations on ice is also used in current studies of glacialearthquakes in Greenland. In Denmark only broad-scalegeodetic coverage is available (Khan et al. 2005) and only afew examples of geological input are found in the literature.However, more thorough geodetic evaluations of deformations are currently made in Nordic co-operation projects andwe are looking forward to learn about the results. Also thenumber of permanent GPS stations in Denmark has recentlybeen increased from 3 to 13. The geological input is limitedbut may hold some potential, and the aim of this article isto evaluate this. We also discuss new investigations of recentgeological movements, both in projects on post-glacial uplift(and accompanying horizontal deformation) of Scandinavia,and more locally of geological indicators of uplift in selectedareas. As seismologists, we are interested in a homogeneousevaluation of geological indicators in all of Denmark and itsneighbouring areas.