期刊名称:Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Bulletin
出版社:De Nationale Geologiske Undersoegelser for Danmark og Groenland
摘要:2010, the year under review, marks the centennial of perhapsthe most controversial structure in the Arctic: the WegenerFault, the 1000-km long fracture that is supposed to underlie Nares Strait and define the north-western margin of anindependent Greenland plate (Fig. 1). The seaway betweenGreenland and Ellesmere Island, Canada, was branded amegashear by Frank Taylor who, purely on physiographicexpression, postulated massive Tertiary strike-slip (Taylor1910). This revolutionary idea fittingly found a place in Alfred Wegener’s theory of continental drift and thereafter inplate-tectonic theory with Greenland drifting hundreds ofkilometres from North America along what Tuzo Wilsonsubsequently dubbed the ‘Wegener Fault’ (Wilson 1963).