摘要:Industrial environment usually involves some types of hazardous substances including toxicand/or flammable gases. Accidental gas leakage can cause potential dangers to a plant, its employees andsurrounding neighborhoods. Around 64% of accidents that happen in the oil fields are due to combustiblesand/or toxic gases. The safety plan of most industries includes measures to reduce risk to humans and plantsby incorporating early-warning devices, such as gas detectors. Most existing tools for monitoring gases arestationary and incapable of accurately measuring individual exposures that depend on personal lifestyles andenvironment. This paper provides a design and implementation of a wearable gas sensor network by buildingsensor nodes with wireless communication modules which communicate their data along the network. Thesystem is designed to be flexible, low cost, low maintenance and with accurate performance to detect toxicgases in a timely fashion to warn employees before an existence of a disaster
关键词:Wireless sensor network; gas detection; toxic gases; wearable gas sensor.