摘要:The objectives of this study were to determine the total content and forms of antimony (Sb) and investigate the geochemical relationships between the mineral phases and the total Sb (TSb) as well as its forms in the sediments of Yellow River Estuary (YRE). Fifteen surface sediment samples were collected and analyzed for the TSb content and Sb forms. Results showed that the TSb content in the surface sediments of YRE was in the range of 1.0810.04 mg/kg and averaged 5.22 mg/kg. The amorphous and well-formed crystalline Fe and Al hydrous oxides bound Sb comprised over 60% of the TSb content. The contents of non-specifically sorbed, specifically sorbed, and residual phase Sb accounted for 1.25%, 18.9%, and 19.1% of TSb in the sediments of YRE, respectively. The content of amorphous Fe and Al hydrous oxides bound Sb increased with the TSb content increasing. Correlation analysis showed that the contents of clay, Fe, Al, Mn, and total organic carbon (TOC) were significantly and positively correlated with the TSb content, respectively. The amorphous and well-formed crystalline Fe and Al hydrous oxides bound Sb quantities were positively correlated to the Fe and Al contents, respectively. In addition, significant relationship between the Sb content in residual phase and the TOC content of sediments was also observed. Thus, the mineral phases of sediment have important effects on the environmental behavior and fate of Sb in the sediments of YRE.
关键词:Antimony;Fractionation;Sediment;Geochemistry;Yellow River Estuary