期刊名称:Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan (Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship)
DOI:10.9744/jmk.5.1.pp. 64-71
出版社:Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University
摘要:The Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) has a unique stair-step payment schedule that often enhances borrower qualification for young, first-time home buyers who are anticipated to have increasing incomes. The determination of the initial payment on a GPM mortgage is often regarded as complex; therefore, textbook authors especially financial real estate normally disregard its theoretical development and substitute instead GPM interest factor tables. This study develops a general equation for finding the initial payment on a GPM and programmable computer spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel) routines for implementing the general equation. This approach enhances the technical understanding of the GPM, and its offer more flexible. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Model Graduated Payment Mortgage (GPM) memiliki keunikan dalam pembayaran pinjaman yang dapat membantu peminjam usia muda, pembeli rumah pertama yang dapat diantisipasi pertambahan pendapatannya. Pembayaran cicilan pertama GPM sangat kompleks, sehingga pada umumnya buku-buku tentang keuangan real estat menetapkan pola pembayaran GPM menggunakan tabel suku bunga. Penelitian ini mengembangkan pola pembayaran cicilan pertama GPM menggunakan program komputer (Microsoft Excel) untuk lebih fleksibel dalam penerapannya. Kata kunci: graduated payment mortgage, cicilan pertama, tabel suku bunga, komputer.