摘要:Wyatt FB, Baker JS, Buchan DS. Fitness Status and Myocardial Morphology in Youth. JEPonline 2015;18(2):1-12. The purpose of this study was to determine if fit adolescent males and females indicate myocardial morphology changes outside normal values. Twenty-two young adults 15 to 18 yrs of age acted as subjects. Resting measures included: age (yrs), height (ht, cm), weight (wt, kg), systolic blood pressure (SBP, mmHg), diastolic blood pressure (DBP, mmHg), percentage body fat (%BF), body mass index (BMI, kg·m-2), waist circumference (WC, cm), waist/hip (W/H, ratio). A resting echocardiogram was used to determine the subjects’ myocardial morphology, which included left ventricular mass (LVM, gm), left ventricular internal diameter end-diastolic (LVIDd, cm), left ventricular internal diameter end-systolic (LVIDs, cm), septal wall thickness (SWT, cm), and posterior wall thickness (PWT, cm). The subjects ran the Aerobic Fitness Shuttle Test and took the Physical Activity Questionnaire (PAQ). Statistical procedures included mean (±SD) for group measures. A Pearson Product R Correlation Coefficient determined bi-variate associations. Post hoc regression analyses established prediction equations between associated variables. The statistical significance was set at P≤0.05. Left ventricular internal diameter end-diastolic significantly associated with ht, wt, WC, LVIDs, LVM, and PWT. Posterior wall thickness, LM, and ST showed significant predictive qualities to the Aerobic Shuttle Test through regression analyses. Linear regression analyses determined specific myocardial morphologies can be determined through weight and fitness status. These include LVIDd, PWT, SWT, and LVM.