摘要:Alonso L, Borges M.V.O, Sousa E.C, Souza, M.M., Paulucio D, Ribeiro P, Velasques B, Pompeu F.A.M.S, Santos, C.G.M, Dantas P.M.S. Heritability of Displacement Speed in a 30-m Sprint. JEPonline 2016;19(3):1-14. This study evaluated the relative power of environmental, genetic, and gender contributions on variations in displacement speeds in monozygotic and dizygotic twins. Subjects consisted of 41 pairs of twins (25 monozygotic and 16 dizygotic), who exhibited similar healthy living habits. The 30-m sprint was assessed using two photocells, and heritability was estimated using the median of variances in monozygotic and dizygotic twin intrapairs. No significant differences in the intrapair medians of monozygotic and dizygotic twins were observed for all study variables. Only dizygotic female twins exhibited no high partial correlation between 30-m sprint results (r = 0.36, P>0.05). A higher heritability of 30-m sprint ability was observed in females (85%) and males (67%), and the heritability of 30-m sprint abilities in both sexes exhibited an intermediate value of 73%. These results demonstrated that 30-m sprint abilities are highly heritable trait, especially in females.