摘要:Blazek AD, Anderson PJ, Brichler JG, Slawinski MK, Rose MT, Kirby TE, Swain CB. Effects of a Simulated Altitude Device on Endurance Performance and Mucosal Immunity. JEPonline 2014;17 (6):45-57. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a simulated intermittent altitude device on endurance performance and mucosal immunity. Twenty well-trained male runners and/or triathletes were exposed to the hypoxic stimulus for 15 days. Time to complete a 10K race and salivary IgA antibodies were measured at baseline and post-treatment. Comparisons between groups were made using the non-parametric unpaired Mann-Whitney test. Time to complete the 10K race significantly decreased for the treatment group compared to the control group (P<0.05). No significant decrease in salivary IgA antibodies was detected in either group (P≥0.05). The simulated altitude from the handheld Alto2Lab device produced the same performance enhancing effects as a live high train low environment in a short time and without the added stress of live high train low training that could compromise the mucosal immune system. The simulated altitude device may be attractive to competitive endurance athletes to enhance training while decreasing the potential for upper respiratory tract infection that often occurs with rigorous endurance or altitude training.