摘要:The development or expansion of marine fishing ports is considered as a significant urban stress on the surrounding environment. Construction activities usually include dredging, filling, soil excavation or replacement; whereas the operations phase involves anchoring, shading, as well as extensive human activity in a small scale area. These activities may impact the marine environment through physical and chemical disturbances including an increase in the rate of sedimentation, discharge of chemicals, nutrient enrichment, increased wastewater, oil spills, increase in organic matter and heavy metals loads as well as solid waste generation, etc. This paper provides guidelines for conducting an EIA of a fishing port in a semi-enclosed water body, such as the Arabian Gulf or the Red Sea. The purpose of the guidelines is to outline issues that may be relevant to the design and construction of the port and to identify important factors for consideration in an EIA study. Elements to be studied in depth include impacts on water quality, sediment and habitat loss. The paper also provides suggested mitigation measures for minimizing potential impacts along with key aspects to be considered in the development of an adequate Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan.