摘要:Context.The spectroscopic binary system HD 66051 (V414 Pup) consists of a highly peculiar CP3 (HgMn) star and an A-type component. It also shows out-of-eclipse variability that is due to chemical spots. This combination allows the derivation of tight constraints for the testing of time-dependent diffusion models.Aims.We aim at deriving astrophysical parameters, information on age, and an orbital solution of the system.Methods.We analysed radial velocity and photometric data using two different methods to determine astrophysical parameters and the orbit of the system. Appropriate isochrones were used to derive the age of the system.Results.The orbital solution and the estimates from the isochrones are in excellent agreement with the estimates from a prior spectroscopic study. The system is very close to the zero-age main sequence and younger than 120 Myr.Conclusions.HD 66051 is a most important spectroscopic binary system that can be used to test the predictions of the diffusion theory explaining the peculiar surface abundances of CP3 stars.
关键词:Key wordsenbinaries: eclipsingstars: chemically peculiarstars: individual: HD 66051techniques: photometric