摘要:The previous research on the pump valve is mostly focused on theory and simulation, but how much precision of these results can be obtained is rarely of concern. A new experimental approach for accurately measuring the reciprocating pump valve motion parameters has been presented. An FEA model to describe the pump valve's collision contact statealso been established. Combining the measured valve's velocity and displacement data, the collision contact characteristics in valve assembly during pump operation have been systematically analyzed by ANSYS/LS-DYNA. The von Mises stress in valve disc and its seat changed by the variables such as valve closing speed, mass, diameter, and taper angle in the collision contact process are quantitatively determined, as well as the relationship between valve's collision contact condition and pump service life. Results show that the experiment and simulation approach can truly and accurately reflect the pump valve's collision process, which provides a scientific basis for the further analysis of pump valve movement and damage mechanism and then improves the reciprocating pump design.