摘要:In this article, the authors analyze the evaluations of the use of innovative methods of training of specialists in the construction of high-rise buildings, made by those who himself is going to become a civil engineer. Such methods are proposed by the currently introduced educational standards in Russia (FSES 3 and 3+). And thanks to familiarity with innovative technologies, the professionals will develop the ability to effectively use the existing urban area. In the article the authors give the conclusions of the specialists. In accordance with them the acquaintance of future builders with modern innovations will teach them to carry out a visual accentuation within the urban architectural and planning space. During the training at the bachelor’s level, it is necessary to take into account the variety of functions of high-rise buildings, and disciplineCity-planning activityshould be included in the course of studying disciplines, what the authors consideras the main innovation in construction of the XXI century. Within the disciplineCity-planning activitythe vertical zoning is mandatory. In the article the authors rely on the data of the sociological survey conducted among students of the university of construction profile. In the discussion part of the article, the persons who chose the profession of civil engineer, builder of high-rise buildings, assessed the reforms of modern Russian education. In the course of the survey, the attitude of students of civil engineering to disciplines of social and legal profile is revealed.