期刊名称:Journal of Earth Sciences and Geotechnical Engineering
出版社:Scienpress Ltd
摘要:Badush Dam isbelieved to be the first dam in the world which is designed to protect from theflood wave which could result from the collapse of another dam; in this caseMosul Dam. Badush Dam construction wasstarted in 1988 but it was stopped two years later due to unexpected reasons.From that time on many attempts were made to resume construction withoutsuccess. Its value was stressed in a multitude of studies and technical reportsamid conflict of opinions on how to do this. The original design of the dam as a protection dam was intended to havea large part of the reservoir empty to accommodate the volume of the expectedflood wave for only a few months during which time it’s content are released ina controlled and safe way to the downstream. The lower part of Badush Dam whichhas a limited height continues before and after this event to act as a low headpower generation facility. Among the later studies on the dam, there weresuggestions to introduce changes to the design of the unfinished dam which coveredthe foundation treatment and also asked for constructing a diaphragm in thedam. A long controversy is still going on with many possibilities but with nohope to reach a final solution soon. Any rational solution must consider bothBadush Dam and Mosul Dam together as the safety issueinvolves both of them. This paper may be seen in six paragraphs. The firstthree describe in brief the history, the outline design and foundationtreatment of the dam, therefore, setting the background to follow the conflictingviews over its purpose and future which is discussed in the following twoparagraphs. The final paragraph is devoted to discussion and our conclusions.Keywords: MosulDam, Badush Dam, flood wave,protection dam, freeboard, foundation treatment, diaphragm.
关键词:MosulDam; Badush Dam; flood wave;protection dam; freeboard; foundation treatment; diaphragm