出版社:Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
摘要:This paper is the report of the reviewprocess of the Occupational Therapycourse curricular framework of the Federaluniversity of Sao Paulo from 2012 to 2014.The four stages comprise 4320 hoursdistributed over four years in a full timeperiod highlighting the following aspects:reduction of total hour schedule, changeof composition of practical activitiesin Occupational Therapy, curricularflexibilization with the introduction ofelectives courses and articulation betweendisciplines, consolidating Research andFundamentals of Occupational Therapy.These are some of the questions thatpresent themselves on a daily basis, andshowed that the curricular reformulationshould be included in a continuous process,whenever the stakeholder pose doubts andquestions about the way to strengthen ofthe Occupational Therapy as part of theBrazilian public policies.