摘要:The Rembang area is a well-known prospective region for oil and gas exploration in Northeast Java, Indonesia. In this study, the reservoir characteristics of the Ngrayong Sandstone were investigated based on outcrops in the Rembang area. Petrological, mineralogical, petrophysical and sedimentological facies analyses were conducted. These sandstones are grain- and matrix-supported, and composed of very fine to medium, sub-angular to poorly-rounded, moderately- to very well-sorted sand grains. These sandstones are mainly composed of quartz, orthoclase, plagioclase, and micas with minor amounts of clay minerals, and therefore are predominantly classified as sub-lithic arenite and sub-felds pathicarenite. Petrographic observations and grain size data indicate that these sandstones are texturally quite mature, based on their good-sorting and the occurrence of minor amounts of matrix clays. Common clays in the samples include illite, smectite, kaolinite, and gibbsite. The porosity of the Ngrayong sandstones ranges from 25.97% to 40.21%, and the permeability ranges from 94.6 to 3385 millidarcies. Thus, these sandstones exhibit well to excellent reservoir qualities. Eight lithofacies were identified from five measured stratigraphic sections, and are dominated by foreshore and tide-dominated shoreface facies. The Ngrayong sequence shows a single transgressive-regressive cycle. Cross-bedded sandstone and massive sandstone are identified as the most promising potential reservoir facies based on their characteristics in outcrops, their lateral and vertical distributions, their sedimentological characteristics and their petrophysical properties.