摘要:This research aims to analyze the influence of level of education that is possesed by the machine shop manager, pollution knowledge, compliance with environmental regulations, and motivation on environmental issue. This research also looks at the behavior effect of the machine shop manager in managing Waste. This research used survey method and quantitative approach to achieve the objectives of this research. Moreover, questionnaire or tests given to 200 respondents in 14 sub districts in Makassar. The researcher obtained data through documentation, observation, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and in-depth interviews that involve all stakeholders and experts in the field of the environment. There are some important results of the research in this study. First, the level of education is variable, knowledge, and obedience variabels have a direct and significant influence toward motivation. Secondly, the level of education, knowledge, and obedience variabels also have a direct and significant influence on behaviour of the Managers. Inaddition, motivation variabel has a direct effect to the behaviour. It is characterized by getting the value of the P-value > 0.05.