摘要:Aims.Herbig-Haro flows are signposts of recent major accretion and outflow episodes. We aim to determine the nature and properties of the little-known outflow source HH 250-IRS, which is embedded in the Aquila clouds.Methods.We have obtained adaptive optics-assistedL-band images with the NACO instrument on the Very Large Telescope (VLT), together withN- andQ-band imaging with VISIR also on the VLT. Using the SINFONI instrument on the VLT we carried outH- andK-band integral field spectroscopy of HH 250-IRS, complemented with spectra obtained with the SpeX instrument at the InfraRed Telescope Facility (IRTF) in theJHKLbands. Finally, the SubMillimeter Array (SMA) interferometer was used to study the circumstellar environment of HH 250-IRS at 225 and 351 GHz with CO (2–1) and CO (3–2) maps and 0.9 mm and 1.3 mm continuum images.Results.The HH 250-IRS source is resolved into a binary with 0.′′53 separation, corresponding to 120 AU at the adopted distance of 225 pc. The individual components show heavily veiled spectra with weak CO absorption indicative of late-type stars. Both are Class I sources, but their spectral energy distributions between 1.5μm and 19μm differ markedly and suggest the existence of a large cavity around one of the components. The millimeter interferometric observations indicate that the gas mainly traces a circumbinary envelope or disk, while the dust emission is dominated by one of the circumstellar envelopes.Conclusions.HH 250-IRS is a new addition to the handful of multiple systems where the individual stellar components, the circumstellar disks and a circumbinary disk can be studied in detail, and a rare case among those systems in which a Herbig-Haro flow is present.
关键词:Key wordsencircumstellar matterstars: winds, outflowsstars: individual: IRAS 19190+1048stars: pre-main sequenceISM: jets and outflowsbinaries: general