出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:Este artículo revisa la interpretación de la glosa frigio-bitinia γάνοϛ ‘hiena’, documentada por Hesiquio, desde la comparación con lo que, a nuestro juicio, constituyen variantes de la misma palabra, incluido el nombre que, según Aristóteles (HA 594 a, 27), daban algunos a este animal, γλάνοϛ.↓This article deals with the interpretation of the Phrygian and Bithynian gloss γάνοϛ ‘hyena’, documented by Hesychius, on the basis of its comparison to some testimonies that, from our point of wiew, are variants of the same word, including the name which, according to Aristotle (HA 594 a, 27), some gave to this animal, γλάνοϛ.
其他摘要:This article deals with the interpretation of the Phrygian and Bithynian gloss g£noj ‘hyena’, documented by Hesychius, on the basis of its comparison to some testimonies that, from our point of wiew, are variants of the same word, including the name which, according to Aristoteles (HA 594 a, 27), some gave to this animal, gl£noj.