出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This article analyzes the situation in the town of Viveiro in the middle years of the fifteenth century, especially in those where the subject appears stately dependence of the first Viscount of Altamira. It explores issues of interest such as the occupation of the town by Marshal Pardo de Cela and grants granted by Henry IV Viscount of Altamira to offset the temporary loss of the manor. In the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, the town regained its status Viveiro realenga and Mercedes new policy launched by the monarchs would grant wide margins of power to royal butler Enrique Enriquez, named from the first years of the reign of tenente villa.
关键词:Viveiro;15th century;The Catholic Monarchs;Viscounts of Altamira;Pardo de Cela;Viveiro;siglo XV;Reyes Católicos;vizcondes de Altamira;Pardo de Cela;Viveiro;século XV;Reis Católicos;vizcondes de Altamira;Pardo de Cela