期刊名称:International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy
出版社:Modern Scientific Press
摘要:In this experimental investigation, the corn oil methyl ester (COME) was prepared by transesterification using corn oil, methyl alcohol and potassium hydroxide (KOH) as a catalyst. The fuel properties of bio-diesel such as kinematic viscosity and specific gravity were found within limited of BIS standard. At different preheated temperatures of COME, the performance and exhaust emission characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with preheated bio-diesel were obtained and compared with neat diesel. Experiments were conducted at different load conditions in a single cylinder, four stroke, direct injection (DI) diesel engine. The engine was run by diesel and biodiesel blends. The COME was preheated to temperatures namely 50, 70, and 90 ℃before it was supplied to the engine. The brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) were calculated. The exhaust gas temperature, smoke density, CO, HC, NOx emissions were measured and compared with neat diesel operation. The results showed that the preheated bio-diesel is favourable on BTE and CO, HC emissions when it is heated up to 70 ℃. At the same time the NOx emission was increased. But at preheated temperature of 90 ℃, a considerable decrease in the BTE and BSFC was observed due to the vapour locking in the fuel line caused by vapour formation due to higher temperature of preheated biodiesel. The test results shows that bio-diesel preheated to 70 ℃ can be used as an alternate fuel for diesel fuel without any significant modification in expense of increased NOx emissions.