期刊名称:International Journal of Environment and Bioenergy
出版社:Modern Scientific Press
摘要:The present research was conducted at Yusmarg area of Kashmir region, aimed to study the present scenario of phytosociology with respect the species dominance, species diversity and to study human impact to the herb community. The research was carried out from June to December, 2010. The study was based on three study sites with marked differences in their physical and biotic features. During the study period, 41 herb species belonging to 20 different families were observed. The total importance value index was observed the highest (93.81) for Cynadon dactylon at site 1 and lowest (1.54) for Leucanthemum vulgare and Geum sp at site 1. The total relative density was observed the highest (52.46) for Cynadon dactylon at site 1 and lowest (0.06) for Leucanthemum vulgare and Geum sp at site 1. Shanon-Weaver diversity index was having small variation during the study period. Simpson's Dominance index was less than 1 which showed that the sites were not dominated by single species. The spatial distribution pattern of herbs was contagious. The Sorenson's Similarity index was the highest (69.17%) between site 2 and site 3 and lowest (46.39%) between site 1 and site 3. The results showed that there is low grazing pressure and moderate human impact on normal distribution of herb species which may cause reduction in herbaceous community in next few decades in the forest ecosystem.