标题:El poblado Calcolítico de Camino de las Yeseras (San Fernando de Henares, Madrid): un escenario favorable para el estudio de la incidencia campaniforme en el Interior Peninsular
出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:This paper present a first approach to the Calcolithic settlement of “Camino de las Yeseras” in which a third millenium BC occupation has been documented. During the transition to the second millenium BC, Bell Beaker groups appear in the sequence. They exploit new lithic resources, adapt their domestic stock for increased mobility, and practice new diversified funerary rituals in the settlement. The temporal framework is supported by a sequence of many C14 and TL dates.
关键词:Calcolithic settlement;Bell Beaker;Tagus Valley;Funerary practices;Hábitat calcolítico;Campaniforme;Valle del Tajo;Prácticas funerarias