出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The Upper Paleolithic of SW Iberia is marked by the presence of chopper and flake assemblages in quartzite. Detailed characterization at regional and chronological levels of these assemblages is of the utmost importance because, in the most Paleolithic recent phases, they can be found without type-fossils associated or in non-datable deposits. In this study, we used 24 quartzite assemblages from SW Iberia, to test the diagnostic character of this raw material through attribute analysis and refitting. Results indicate that Gravettian, Solutrean and Magdalenian can be distinguished on their quartzite assemblages, enabling, by itself, the differentiation of the Upper Paleolithic key-sequence. They also indicate that Gravettian and Magdalenian assemblages are technologically closer to each other than to Solutrean, a pattern possibly related with the adaptation to the Last Glacial Maximum.
关键词:Chronological variation;Coarse raw materials;Lithic technology;Southeast of the Iberian Peninsula Iberia;Upper Paleolithic;Variación cronológica;Materias-primas granulosas;Tecnología lítica;Sureste de la Península Ibérica;Paleolítico Superior