出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:The cultural industries are gaining importance due to its social and economic role in knowledge society. In countries with a rich and ancient history such as Spain it is especially relevant the conservation and management of heritage, not only because its cultural importance, but also because a new business activity has emerged close to it: the sector of commercial archaeology. However, there is an important gap in the understanding of these cultural and heritage services. It is difficult to observe the conditions that shape its emergence, the economic and labour situation of the firms and the opportunities for development of these firms. This article presents a study of Spanish commercial archaeology, a knowledge intensive business service which has grown in close relation with heritage regulations and policies since 1990’s. We explore the emerging process and the current conditions of this sector by using several empirical sources: regulations and policy documents, a census of archaeological companies, and a survey to these companies. The case study illustrates the dynamics created by the public sector and its influence on the creation of a special market, as well as the influences on innovation and economic growth of cultural industries.
关键词:Economic sociology;innovation;institutional innovation;contract archaeology;knowledge intensive business services;archaeological sector;heritage sector;Sociología económica;innovación;innovación institucional;arqueología comercial;servicios intensivos en conocimiento;sector arqueológico;sector patrimonial