摘要:Water is an essential element in the agri-food industry. The resulting wastewater is often returned to the natural environment without prior treatment; which can be an important source of environmental pollution. Among these food processing industries, there are slaughterhouses that are classified as dangerous, unhealthy and inconvenient, so the treatment of their discharges is necessary before their spill. This article presents the results of the waste water treatment study of the Rabat slaughterhouse by coagulation-flocculation using ferric chloride and the effect of pH and retention time on the elimination of turbidity, Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and organic matter (OM). The results show that pH and retention time plays a major role in the elimination efficiency of these parameters. Thus, with a pH = 5.83, a significant reduction in COD and turbidity are observed after 90 min and 120 min of decantation.