期刊名称:International Journal of Applied Science - Research and Review
出版社:Insight Medical Publishing
摘要:The objective of this research article is to investigate the relationships between corporate image, Brand Trust and Brand Affect for Indian banks, based on their credit card holders’ perceptions. The article also examines the effect of demographic variables such as Age, Qualification, Income and Gender on Brand trust and Brand Affect. MANCOVA analysis was applied using PASW-18 to evaluate the effect of causal effect of corporate image on Brand Trust and Brand Affect and simultaneously the effect of categorical demographic variable on the dependent variables Brand Trust and Brand Effect. The corporate Image was found to have significant causal effect on both the dependent variables Brand Trust and Brand Affect. All the demographic variables were found to have no effect on Brand Affect and only gender was found to have significant effect on Brand Trust. Therefore, Banks must be careful while developing corporate image as it will also determine the level of trust customers have on the brand and will determine the brand affect.
关键词:Corporate image; Brand trust and brand affect; MANCOVA