标题:El complicado régimen privilegiado del art. 30 del Código Penal Español en materia de codelincuencia y encubrimiento en los delitos cometidos utilizando medios o soportes de difusión mecánicos.
摘要:The Spanish Criminal or Penal Code (Código Penal) establishes in its art. 30 a privileged system in regard to crime partners and concealment in crimes committed using mechanical broadcasting media (the traditionally so called “crimes of press”, a system without parallel in Colombia. This paper makes revision of some complicated aspects of such a system considers the convenience of its permanence, coming to the conclusion that its abolition would be preferable and, concerning Colombia, the introduction of a similar one is not advisable.
其他摘要:The Spanish Criminal or Penal Code (Código Penal) establishes in its art. 30 a privileged system in regard to crime partners and concealment in crimes committed using mechanical broadcasting media (the traditionally so called “crimes of press”, a system without parallel in Colombia. This paper makes revision of some complicated aspects ofsuch a system considers the convenience of its permanence, coming to the conclusion that its abolition would be preferable and, concerning Colombia, the introduction of a similar one is not advisable.
关键词:Crimes committed using mechanical broadcasting media, crimes of press, crime partners, principals an accessories, concealment, freedom of the press.;Delitos cometidos utilizando medios de difusión mecánicos, delitos de imprenta, codelincuencia, autoría y participación, encubrimiento, libertad de prensa.
其他关键词:Crimes committed using mechanical broadcasting media; crimes of press; crime partners; principals an accessories; concealment; freedom of the press.