期刊名称:International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Modelling software product line (SPL) features plays a crucial role to a successful development of SPL.Feature diagram is one of the widely used notations to model SPL variants. However, there is a lack ofprecisely defined formal notations for representing and verifying such models. This paper presents anapproach that we adopt to model SPL variants by using UML and subsequently verify them by using firstorderlogic. UML provides an overall modelling view of the system. First-order logic provides a preciseand rigorous interpretation of the feature diagrams. We model variants and their dependencies by usingpropositional connectives and build logical expressions. These expressions are then validated by the Alloyverification tool. The analysis and verification process is illustrated by using Computer Aided Dispatch(CAD) system.
关键词:Software Product Line; First order logic; Alloy; variant management