期刊名称:International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Many software projects fail due to instable requirements and lack of managing the requirements changesefficiently. Software Requirements Stability Index Metric (RSI) helps to evaluate the overall stability ofrequirements and also keep track of the project status. Higher the stability, less changes tends topropagate. The existing system use Function Point modeling for measuring the Requirements Stability.However, the main drawback of the existing modeling is that the complexity of non-functional requirementshas not been measured for Requirements Stability. The Non-Functional Factors plays a vital role inassessing the Requirements Stability. Numerous Measurement methods have been proposed for measuringthe software complexity. This paper proposes Multi-criteria Fuzzy Based approach for finding out thecomplexity weight based on Requirement Complexity Attributes such as Functional RequirementComplexity, Non-Functional Requirement Complexity, Input Output Complexity, Interface and FileComplexity. Based on the complexity weight, this paper computes the software complexity point. And thenpredict the Software Requirements Stability based on Software Complexity Point changes. The advantageof this model is that it is able to estimate the software complexity early which in turn predicts the SoftwareRequirement Stability during the software development life cycle.