摘要:Transplanting seed-derived seedlings hasmany advantages for site restoration, one of whichis the enhancement of its genetic material.Producing seedling with characteristics such asvigorous root systems is beneficial since theyenhance regeneration success. The aim of this studywas to determine if seed-derived seedlings, basedon an altitudinal seed-sampling gradient, affects thegrowth of Quercus coccifera L. seedlings. Inaddition, the effect of container-type on rootallocation was investigated. Seeds were collectedbased on an approximate altitudinal gradient of100m (150, 250 and 330 m). Pre-germinated seedswere placed in two equivalent volumetric containertypes that differ in shape. After six months ofgrowth, ten seedlings were harvested from eachcombination of elevation and container-type. Theresults indicated a strong effect of altitude for allstudied variables with greater growth for seedlingsderived from seeds of lower altitude. Also, thecontainer-type affected the root allocation withgreater root growth for containers with the greaterdiameter. Our results suggest that altitude is avariable that should always be taken underconsideration when producing seed-derivedseedlings. In addition, the type of the containershould also be considered when root allocation is amain focal point