摘要:One of the tasks of the present research is tocreate a system of environmental impact assessmentof water management constructions through riskanalysis evaluation of options, the result of whichshould lead to the selection of future activityquantified with minimum risk to the environment.This methodology is intended to streamline theprocess of environmental impact assessment ofconstructions in the field of water management. Theobjective of the paper is to propose a methodologyfor assessing water management constructionswhich will allow assessment the impact of waterconstructions on the environment and henceselection of the best option for the permissionprocess. This paper explores the benefits of usingrisk analysis techniques in the evaluation of floodprotection structures by examining the results ofenvironmental impact assessment for a plannedIORRG PLWLJDWLRQ PHDVXUH DW 9\ãQi +XWND LQ Slovakia. Flooding is a serious problem worldwideand has caused substantial damage, in terms ofenvironment, human health and economic losses.Flood protection becomes an increasingly topicalissue because the damage becomes more severeevery year. All proposed flood mitigation measuresare subject of environmental impact assessmentprocess before its approval.