摘要:Water is considered as the most preciousnatural resource on Earth as it is required for allliving organisms. Readily available freshwatersupplies are limited compared to human needs. As aresult, water resource management plans arenecessary in order to protect and preserve theavailable freshwater resources. Hydrologic modelsare therefore useful tools for their effective andefficient management. The study area of the presentresearch was the protected area of MenoikioMountain Range situated in Northern Greece. Themain objective of this study was the simulation of thehydrologic cycle in watersheds of Menoikio.Emphasis was given to quantify the flow of itstorrents; intermittent streams, characteristic of theMediterranean region. The SWAT model enables theestimation of the rainfall-runoff relationship. Thedata used to run the model were: topography, soil,land cover and meteorological (precipitation,temperature, wind speed and relative humidity). Theresults of the model could be used to understandmore accurately the potentially available waterresources and provide science-based information forthe development of future policies and managementplans for this protected watershed but also for othertorrent watersheds located in the Mediterraneanregion.
关键词:torrents; hydrologic modeling; streamflow; runoff;
protected areas