标题:What Facilitates the Delivery of Citizen-Centric EGovernment Services in Developing Countries: Model Development and Validation Through Structural Equation Modeling
期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Yet, existing research on the delivery of citizen-centric e-government services in developing countries isstill lacking explanatory power for the following reasons: 1) focus either on the supply-side of theseservices, or on the demand-side separately, thus there is no enough research on the integration betweenthem, and 2) focus on the results of previous research, thus ignoring the development of theories fit the newcontext under investigation by understanding the relationship between the implementation of ICT andsocial structures in the same context. This study aims to fill these gaps by employing a holistic approach toenable in-depth understanding and gain valuable insights for success factors in the delivery of citizencentrice-government services from multiple perspectives, and in the real context of one of the Arabcountries, namely Jordan. This would reduce the gap between strategies and government policies on theone hand, and the perceptions of citizens on the other hand about the determinants of the delivery ofcitizen-centric e-government services in developing countries, allowing a better understanding of citizens'needs and priorities that must be taken into account by those governments in order to ensure the success ofthose services on a large scale. This study is part of a two-phase research aims to propose an integratedmodel of success factors in the delivery of citizen centric e-government services and then validate it in thecontext of developing countries in general and Jordan in particular. The first phase, which is beyond thescope of this study, employs grounded theory method to develop a research model, as well as surveyinstruments necessary to validate it. The second phase, which is within the scope of this study, employssurvey questionnaire method to validate the research model by using multivariate and structural equationmodeling (SEM). The results show that factors such as the perception of ease of use as well as theperception of usefulness are no longer affect the delivery of citizen-centric e-government services in thisparticular context. The results also show that the perception of organizational loyalty through moreinvolvement of citizens in the decision-making process of change, as well as awareness-raising campaignsfor such e-services, is among the positive and significant factors that affect the delivery of citizen-centric egovernmentservices in the same context. Perception of trust, quality and security in e-services, all of thesehave significance and positive impact on the delivery of such e-services in this particular context. Websitedesign is also among the factors that have significance and a positive impact in the same context. Mostimportantly, the results show that the national e-readiness, including the macro political environment,legal and regulatory environment, socio-economic environment and infrastructure related to ICT, is amongthe factors that have significance, but did not reach to become positive in this particular context. However,the modern Arab culture stands out as among the factors that have significance, as well as a positiveimpact in this context. Finally, this study concludes by highlighting the theoretical and practicalimplications, limitations and future directions