摘要:The complexity of issues facing rural landscapes in the United States has resultedin a shift from the traditional Extension model to a partnership buildingapproach. In North Carolina, Extension was charged with coordinating apartnership with a diverse set of stakeholders representing the interests ofworking lands, conservation, and national defense to address shared landcompatibility issues. Using a single case study design, we evaluate the role ofExtension in the coordination of diverse stakeholder groups for conservation ofrural landscapes to protect the military training mission based on insights fromthe North Carolina Sentinel Landscapes Partnership. The case study includesanalysis of key informant interviews and organizational documents through theconstant comparative method that provides themes for Extension to consider forsuch efforts. We found that Extension plays a leadership role in convening adiverse set of interests, facilitating organizational development and educating abroad range of stakeholders. We provide eight key recommendations toaccelerate the process of initiation and implementation of such efforts based onan ability to implement a realistic and feasible program that is informed byknowledge of what works elsewhere.
关键词:partnership building; diverse stakeholders; rural landscapes; military;training