期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)
出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:Free space optics (FSO) is a promising solution for the need to very high data rate point-to pointcommunication. FSO communication technology became popular due to its large bandwidth potential,unlicensed spectrum, excellent security and quick and inexpensive setup. Unfortunately, atmosphericturbulence-induced fading is one of the main impairments affecting FSO communications. To design ahigh performance communication link for the atmospheric FSO channel, it is of great importance tocharacterize the channel with proper model. In this paper, the modulation format is Q-ary PPM acrosslasers, with intensity modulation and ideal photodetectors are assumed to investigate the most efficientPDF models for FSO communication under turbulent condition. The performance results are evaluatedin terms of symbol error probability (SEP) for different type of channel model and the simulation resultsconfirm the analytical findings.
关键词:Free Space Optics (FSO); pulse position modulation (PPM); probability of density function (PDF); bit;error rate (BER); symbol energy.