"Background: The WHO estimates that in the developing countries 1 woman dies every 8 min., due to unsafe abortions. Government Health workers play important role in awareness and acceptance of contraceptives. But still the problem of unsafe abortions is rampant due to unwanted pregnancies. Hence review of their functioning is essential. This study is conducted to identify the functioning of Health workers as the machinery to provide contraceptive services in the Sangli district of Maharashtra, India. Objectives: Objective of this study is to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices regarding contraceptive services among health workers. Methodology: It is a Cross-sectional study conducted over a period of 3 months. Calculated Sample size was 150 with simple random sampling technique. Clearance from the institutional ethical committee and concerned authorities of the college had been taken for the study. Study tool was Pre-designed self administered Questionnaire, for assessing knowledge, attitude and practices regarding contraceptive services among Government Health workers from randomly selected Primary Health Centers (PHCs). Statistical Analysis was done using MS-Excel. Results: Total 153 subjects were included in the final analysis. Mean scores for knowledge, attitude and practices regarding contraceptive services were respectively 12.29, 9.58 and 11.27. Considering age there was no significant difference in knowledge of those under 35 yrs and those above it; but there was statistically significant difference in attitude and practices regarding contraceptive services. The knowledge and practices regarding contraceptive services regarding emergency contraception were associated with designation with ANM faring better in it. Conclusion: Although the health workers fared well in knowledge, attitude and practices regarding contraceptive services, there is room for further improvement."