摘要:The determining factor for the selection of electrical equipment and switching devices is the short-circuit currents (SCC), for which the electrodynamics and thermal resistance is checked for the first, and for the second the switching capacity and wear-resistance. Also, the fault current is calculated for setting the relay protection and automation threshold. As is known, different digital simulation tools are used for calculating the SCC, in which inevitably use simplifications and limitations of mathematical models of equipment and EPS in whole. In this connection, the calculated values of SCC comprise, in some cases, significant error, so the validation is needed for used simulation tools. Proposed to use specialized hybrid software and hardware system for validation as the source of data needed to compare the simulation results of verified tools. It helps to determine their actual properties and capabilities, as well as to increase the reliability of decisions made on the basis of the calculated SCC, by understanding the causes and possible level of errors that arise.