摘要:AbstractPedagogical praxis plays an important role in the pre-gradual preparation of teachers. As is the case with a doctor, a teacher must also undergo his practical preparation in a real environment with real subjects. The acquirement of professional competencies begins during the pre-gradual preparation and they are further developed in a real educational praxis. Hypothetically, we can talk about a covariant dependence between the length of a teacher's pedagogical praxis and the degree of development of his professional competencies. The degree of the mutual link between these two segments depends on several factors. Pre-gradual preparation of a teacher and a pedagogical praxis realized during this time is one of the most important factors influencing the teacher's future educational praxis and the development of his professional competencies. It is, therefore, necessary to pay an appropriate attention to the realization of the professional praxis not only from a theoretical point of view. The article presents an analysis of the opinions and attitudes of students of the FF UCM, who underwent pedagogical praxis and the opinions of their teacher-trainers. Through a questionnaire the students and the teachers expressed their views of the process of acquiring the key competencies within the pedagogical praxis.