This paper assesses the incidence of static disorders of the spine among teenagers. The study also aims at demonstrating the degree of correlation between functional evaluation of posture - through posturography - and the imagistic evaluation of the spine. The study sample comprised 250 teenagers aged between 12 and 18, who addressed to the medical clinic for a set of tests, including postural evaluation. The investigation comprised 250 teenagers aged between 12 and 18, who addressed the medical clinic for a set of tests, including postural evaluation. From among them, 63.20 % were male and 36.8% female; the age mean of the entire sample was 14.8. The statistical analysis conducted on the sample of posturally assessed subjects has found that the most common deviations are those manifested by vicious attitudes; the first are scoliotic attitudes, with 67.2% of the 84% of vicious attitudes encountered during the investigation.