摘要:AbstractIn this paper, we consider hands-off control via minimization of the CLOT (CombinedL-One and Two) norm. The maximum hands-off control is theL0-optimal (or the sparsest) control among all feasible controls that are bounded by a specified value and transfer the state from a given initial state to the origin within a fixed time duration. In general, the maximum hands-off control is a bang-off-bang control taking values of ±1 and 0. For many real applications, such discontinuity in the control is not desirable. To obtain a continuous but still relatively sparse control, we propose to use the CLOT norm, a convex combination ofL1andL2norms. We show by numerical simulation that the CLOT control is continuous and much sparser (i.e. has longer time duration on which the control takes 0) than the conventional EN (elastic net) control, which is a convex combination ofL1and squaredL2norms.
关键词:KeywordsOptimal controlconvex optimizationsparsitymaximum hands-off controlbang-off-bang control