摘要:AbstractControl architecture sizing is a main challenge for new aircraft design like blended wing-body design. This aircraft configuration typically features redundant elevons located at the trailing edge of the wing, acting simultaneously on pitch and roll axes. The problem of integrated design of control surface sizes and flight control laws for an unstable blended wing-body aircraft is addressed here. Latest tools forH∞non-smooth optimization of structured controllers are used to optimize in a single step the gains for both longitudinal and lateral control laws, and a control allocation module, while minimizing control surfaces total span. Following constraints are ensured: maximal deflection angles and rates for 1) pilot longitudinal pull-up 2) pilot bank angle order and 3) longitudinal turbulence. Using this coupled approach, significant gains in terms of outer elevons span compared to the initial layout are demonstrated, while closed-loop handling qualities constraints are guaranteed.
关键词:KeywordsIntegrated designFlight Control LawAircraftH∞controlDynamicsBWB