标题:Autonomous Landing of a Multirotor Micro Air Vehicle on a High Velocity Ground Vehicle * * This work was partially supported by CFI JELF Award 32848 and a hardware donation from DJI.
摘要:AbstractWhile autonomous multirotor micro aerial vehicles (MAVs) are uniquely well suited for certain types of missions benefiting from stationary flight capabilities, their more widespread usage still faces many hurdles, due in particular to their limited range and the difficulty of fully automating the deployment and retrieval. In this paper we address these issues by solving the problem of the automated landing of a quadcopter on a ground vehicle moving at relatively high speed. We present our system architecture, including the structure of our Kalman filter for the estimation of the relative position and velocity between the quadcopter and the landing pad, as well as our controller design for the full rendezvous and landing maneuvers. The system is experimentally validated by successfully landing in multiple trials a commercial quadcopter on the roof of a car moving at speeds of up to 50 km/h.
关键词:KeywordsKalman filtersAutonomous vehiclesMobile robotsGuidance systemsComputer visionAerospace control