摘要:AbstractIn this paper, finite time stabilization of an uncertain chain of integrators is studied. The controller proposed in the paper, under some conditions guarantees the convergence of all the states at time exactly tFand that chosen in advance. The controller is designed based on the integral sliding mode approach, which is the combination of two controls: a nominal control which is designed to obtain desired performances for the disturbance free system and a super-twisting control is designed for the disturbance compensation. The proposed controller also adjusts the chattering because of continuous control. Finally this paper presents the finite time stability proof of super-twisting algorithm by using continuously differentiable Lyapunov function. Thanks to academic example, effectiveness by the proposed method is presented with simulation results. Through the simulations performance of the proposed method is compare with an existing method.
关键词:KeywordsIntegral sliding mode controloptimal controlfinite time convergencehigher order sliding mode control