摘要:Abstract: The impedance-ratio criterion has been widely adopted to analyze the stability of cascaded power electronic systems. However, for different cascaded systems, the impedance ratio takes different forms. For cascaded systems with a voltage-controlled source, it is the ratio of the output impedance of the source converter to the input impedance of the load converter. For cascaded systems with a current-controlled source, it is the ratio of the input impedance of the load converter to the output impedance of the source converter. In this paper, a generic stability criterion in terms of the sum of the impedances of individual subsystems is proposed. A cascaded system with individually stable subsystems is stable if and only if the sum of the impedances of the subsystems does not encircle the origin clockwise or equivalently the impedance sum does not have right-half-plan (RHP) zeros. Real-time simulation results are presented to validate this generic stability criterion.