标题:An Adaptive Observer Design for Takagi-Sugeno type Nonlinear System * * The work was supported by FP7 project Energy in Time (EiT) under the grant no. 608981
摘要:AbstractTakagi-Sugeno (T-S) type of polytopic models have been used prominently in the literature to analyze nonlinear systems. With the sector nonlinearity approach, an exact representation of a nonlinear system within a sector could be obtained in a T-S form. Hence, a number of observer design strategies have been proposed for nonlinear systems using the T-S framework. In this work, a design strategy for adaptive observers is presented for a type of T-S systems with unknown parameters. The proposed approach improves upon the existing literature in two folds: reduce the computational burden and provide an algorithmic procedure that would seamlessly connect the state estimation and parameter estimation parts of the observer design. Lyapunov approach is used for the stability analysis and the design procedure. The results are illustrated on a simulation example.