摘要:The main aim of this article is to review between students’ learning environment and education quality. A non-experimental, quantitative, SPSS 17.0 research design was used to explore the relationship between background demographic characteristics, transformational, and transactional leadership styles, learning environment, and education quality. The data collection includes 292 returned surveys from 350 distributed questionnaires, yielding 83% return rate. Analysis of the research results found a significant relationship among learning environment, quality education, and teachers’ transformational and transactional leadership styles. A background demographic characteristic of type of schools was also statistically significant in transformational and transactional leadership, learning environment, and education quality. Teachers’ transformational leadership style has significance for the learning environment, and transformational leadership styles. Transformational and transactional leadership styles have no significant explanatory variables of perceived learning environment with student cohesiveness, teacher support, involvement, order and organization, cooperation, and equity.